The Court of the 7 Vessels
The Tethras Devils
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The Tethras Devils
Last updated
The 7 Vessels are a political congress founded on commerce and born on the planet of Pleonex.
Amidst the turmoil of blood-soaked wars on distant continents, the 7 Vessels forged the foundations of Shavò, their capital destined to reign supreme over the planet through the sheer force of their economic power.
Yet, behind the captivating façade of Shavó's masked parties, gambling, and grandiose shows, a clandestine world unfolds.
It is a realm marked by treacherous betrayals and covert assassinations, shrouded in the shadows that dance behind the dazzling lights of the capital.
The Court is a realm driven by the control of Shards and the weakening of enemy forces. Its gameplay is swift, focusing on rapid Shard acquisition, even usurping enemy Shards through the steal mechanic. Despite fielding creatures of modest strength, The Court compensates with potent effects.
Its creatures are elusive, shielded by the hidden mechanic, rendering them impervious to direct targeting. To assert dominance and maintain control over the battlefield, The Court employs debuffs and capitalizes on a myriad of card effects, enabling it to endure even against the most formidable adversaries.
However, relying heavily on hidden mechanics for creature defense renders The Court vulnerable to AoE attacks that bypass individual targeting. Additionally, it may struggle against realms boasting significant Shard control, as such tactics can stymie its Shard acquisition rate, particularly given its reliance on the steal mechanic, which balances Shard gains against Lost Eden accrual.